Let’s build together 💻

The intersection of journalism and tech is a hot-button contested topic right now, and rightly so. Journalism has been a bit of a crisis, and tech hasn’t really done anything to solve the damn problem.

Get the latest hacks.

I’m a no-code enthusiast that formally studied journalism and media innovation. I’m now building a community of people that are creating their own futures.

As a lover of both worlds, this newsletter is going to be looking at different Media Hacks you can do at the intersection of media and tech, and how they can help you build an audience, engage with your community, monetize your content, and grow your reach.

Who is this project for?

  • Community Managers

  • Audience Engagement Editors

  • Independent Content Creators

  • Newsletter writers

  • Twitch streamers

  • TikTok fans and stans

  • people with the intention of creating their own future in media.

Join the crew 👉 we’re on discord

Be part of a community of makers, hackers, journalists, and independent creators.

If you’re curious on diving more into the current state of things and recent events at the intersection of media and tech, find me at my other newsletter Erin for Tech.

Subscribe to Media Hackers by Erin Mikail

Building products at the intersection of news, media and tech. Join us for a weekly tool breakdown and its use cases in media businesses.


A journey towards building your own career as a media solopreneur